Dear companions on the way,
Here we are at that curious and demanding time for those who follow the Christ as we wind to the end of an incredibly difficult shared calendar year and begin again another church year. In many ways this is an outward expression of the call to live as a people deeply sensitive to the world and its travail and yet also be alive to the inbreaking of the kingdom here and now within us, among us and around us. That’s a lot for our hearts and minds to hold. I pray that this creative tension gives us the energy to enter into the season.
Personally I feel deeply the weariness and despair of a world that seems to have gone backwards politically, environmentally and socially in this last few years. And I also know the joy of a new grandchild and the delight of my family and friends and living in a still beautiful part of the world. When my heart is ready to feint within me I glimpse some familiar or new detail of glorious life and am encouraged.
However we come to this particular Christmas I pray that you may personally know the inbreaking of hope, peace, joy and love knowing that we are light to those around us still in darkness. And let us be that light to one another. In the year ahead I think we need lean into the embrace of God and neighbour.
For those of you who are preachers you may like to revisit or read for the first time some of my Christmas reflections from years past. Please use in whatever way serves you and your community’s needs.
Nearly Christmas is a reflection that would suit a service just before Christmas or a service for people not sure that they are ready for Christmas, such as a Blue Christmas service.
Holy Night was a reflection I wrote for Midnight Mass and suits that quiet reflective space.
All Flesh is Sacred is maybe my favourite Christmas message that I have written. A reflection on the gospel of John it acknowledges how news of the incarnation changes everything and leaves nothing and no-one out.
Love is Born is a reflection on the Luke account of Christmas (and two poems by Australian saint, poet, cartoonist and prophet Michael Leunig) and suitable to evening or day time services.
One of Us is a simple proclamation of the good news (according to Luke) of the birth of Jesus as one of us. Short and simple would suit a day time service with folk who don’t come to church often.
I will hopefully get something new written as well and publish before the 22nd of December with the usual notifications.
Every blessing,
Reverend Sue