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Reverend Sue
Oct 1, 20244 min read
Jesus joins us in our Brokenness
Jesus joins us in our brokenness, indeed embraces us although little and unimportant, even to the point of tasting death. (Twentieth...

Reverend Sue
Sep 17, 20244 min read
Welcoming Littleness
We continue with the hard teachings of Jesus as he prepares his disciples for his suffering and death and also for what it means to be...

Reverend Sue
Sep 10, 20245 min read
What sort of Messiah?
It seems that Peter’s recognition of Jesus as Messiah, the holy one, the anointed one of God, leads to as many soul searching questions...

Reverend Sue
Sep 3, 20246 min read
Be Opened
“Be opened”, said Jesus to the deaf man. (Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Proper 18 [23]. Mark 7:24-37; and James 2:1-17.) Be opened is...

Reverend Sue
Aug 27, 20244 min read
The State of our Hearts
Most of us, as people of faith, live in the challenging terrain between righteous laws, the call to have true hearts and the call to be...

Reverend Sue
Aug 20, 20244 min read
A difficult teaching
We come at last to the end of our exploration of Jesus as the Bread of Life in the gospel of John (Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost....

Reverend Sue
Aug 13, 20245 min read
Consuming the bread that consumes us
We now enter our fourth week of reflecting on Jesus as the Bread of Life. We have left literal bread a long way behind us and are now...

Reverend Sue
Aug 6, 20244 min read
Being Drawn to the Holy One
Our exploration of Jesus as the bread of life is half way through this week. At this point we may begin to find the text repetitive, even...

Reverend Sue
Jul 30, 20244 min read
Bless our Hunger
Last week we began the exploration of Jesus as the bread of life by reflecting on the fullness of God – the great enoughness out of which...

Reverend Sue
Jul 23, 20246 min read
The Fullness of God - Enoughness
And so we begin a five week “detour” from Mark to explore in some depth the understanding that Jesus is the Bread of Life. (Tenth Sunday...

Reverend Sue
Jul 16, 20244 min read
Responding with Compassion
“... and Jesus had compassion for them because they were like a sheep without a shepherd ...” (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56. Ninth Sunday after...

Reverend Sue
Jul 9, 20244 min read
John the Baptist
The story of John the Baptist, from beginning to his brutal end, is intriguing and challenging. Sadly in our time, and maybe for most of...
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