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Reverend Sue
2 days ago5 min read
Lent One - The Soul's Journey
It might seem shocking that, so soon after Christmas, we are beginning the Lenten journey, preparing ourselves for the painful drama of...

Reverend Sue
4 days ago5 min read
The Ash Wednesday service is a very simple and ancient one. It is both sober and sensual as we smell the smoke, receive the gritty smudge...

Reverend Sue
Feb 255 min read
The Transfigured Jesus
The Transfiguration is a mysterious and curious story. One which is sometimes hard for us to imagine much less understand in terms of our...

Reverend Sue
Feb 186 min read
Love is Action
Many of us at this time are reflecting on the nature of love and its apparent limitations when we seem to be surrounded by those with...

Reverend Sue
Feb 115 min read
Blessings in strange places
The prophets and Jesus placed a stark contrast between fidelity and idolatry, vulnerability and power, those who were poor and poorly and...

Reverend Sue
Jan 285 min read
The Word of God Disturbs
One moment the home crowd is cheering and then the next they are threatening to throw Jesus off a cliff! Why are they so disturbed and...

Reverend Sue
Jan 145 min read
The Wedding Feast
Are you ready to hear that we, that you, are precious, beloved, delighted in, worthy of the best wine, desired in sacred union with the...

Reverend Sue
Jan 75 min read
Baptism - Being Beloved
There is a holy and life giving tension at the centre of the story of the Baptism of Jesus (especially in the account by Luke) but we are...

Reverend Sue
Jan 24 min read
Epiphany - Revealing and Redeeming the Darkness
The ancient image of a people walking in great darkness upon whom God will shine a bright light, and through them to all the nations,...

Reverend Sue
Dec 27, 20244 min read
Growing in Grace
We know so little about the birth and even less about the early years of Jesus that this story from Luke holds great significance. As a...

Reverend Sue
Dec 24, 20243 min read
Christmas - All Flesh is Sacred
At the end of a year in which we have seen terrible war, the politics of hate and division, natural disasters, climate change spiralling...

Reverend Sue
Dec 17, 20245 min read
Advent Four - Saying Yes to God
At last – the Christmas story as we know it starts to come into focus. Mothers and holy infants are gathering. The love of God expressed...
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