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Reverend Sue
2 days ago5 min read
Lent One - The Soul's Journey
It might seem shocking that, so soon after Christmas, we are beginning the Lenten journey, preparing ourselves for the painful drama of...

Reverend Sue
Mar 19, 20245 min read
Palm Sunday - The Kingdom or the Empire
Two processions made their way into Jerusalem on the day we remember as Palm Sunday. One procession came from the west of the Roman...

Reverend Sue
Mar 12, 20244 min read
Lent Five - The great cycle of Life
Like many of us in Australia and the southern hemisphere I have had reason of late to drive along the various highways and byways where...

Reverend Sue
Mar 5, 20244 min read
Lent Four - Looking to the cross
At this point in Lent the cross begins to loom large and cast its shadow over us. But what does that mean exactly? And how do our curious...

Reverend Sue
Feb 27, 20245 min read
Lent Three - A Revolution of Love
Jesus comes overturning not only the money changers tables in the Temple but all our carefully constructed systems of merit, identity,...

Reverend Sue
Feb 20, 20244 min read
Lent Two - Self Emptying Love
Only week two of Lent and already we glimpse the heart, the task, the challenge of not only Lent but in some sense the very gospel and...

Reverend Sue
Feb 14, 20245 min read
Lent One - And into the wilderness we go
The journey of Lent leads us into the wilderness. But it does not start there! According to the gospel of Mark, Lent begins with Jesus...

Reverend Sue
Jan 17, 20244 min read
Lent & Easter Year B: Worship Course
Is it really a year since we last prepared ourselves for the Lenten journey? In many ways Lent is the perennial path, the spiralling...

Reverend Sue
Mar 28, 20234 min read
Lent Six - Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week and the time we hear of our Lord’s passion for us and remember the last week of his human life:...

Reverend Sue
Mar 21, 20236 min read
Lent Five - A Foretaste of Restoration, Renewal and Resurrection
In the readings for Lent Five (John 11:1-45; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; and Romans 8:6-11.) we see and hear a foretaste of resurrection...

Reverend Sue
Mar 14, 20235 min read
Lent Four - To Be Seen and To See
This week the readings seem to invite us to explore how God sees us, how well or blindly we see, and how this process of being seen, of...

Reverend Sue
Mar 7, 20235 min read
Lent Three - Thirsting for Life
To be human is to be thirsty – for water, meaning, security, adventure, relationship, belonging – for life. The stories this week (Lent...
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