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Reverend Sue
Jun 28, 20225 min read
Like Lambs among Wolves
“... See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals ...” It is a strange commissioning...

Reverend Sue
Jun 21, 20225 min read
Free to Grow in the Spirit
We are freed from the constraints of the law and the heavy burden of trying to be good in a moral sense so that we can fully engage in...

Reverend Sue
Jun 14, 20225 min read
In Christ we are set Free
“It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my ancestors.” There are so many things - life events,...

Reverend Sue
Jun 7, 20226 min read
Why does the Trinity Matter?
Why does it matter that God – glorious, mysterious and merciful – is three persons in one God rather than a singular deity? Well, I would...

Reverend Sue
May 31, 20225 min read
How can we celebrate Pentecost this year?
Most of us know what Pentecost is meant to mean, or what we were taught it originally meant. (RCL Acts 2:1-21) But what does Pentecost...

Reverend Sue
May 24, 20225 min read
Easter Seven - God reveals God's own self to us and through us
God reveals god’s own self to us in myriad ways - in creation, in Scripture and Sacrament, and in the Spirit revealed in and through...

Reverend Sue
May 17, 20225 min read
Easter Six - God comes in the midst of life
God comes to us in the midst of our life. God comes to us whether like Lydia we are in full flight and successful or like the unnamed ill...

Reverend Sue
May 10, 20225 min read
Easter Five - What God has made is clean
Peter’s dream was then, and is still, explosive! It was world changing because of what is says about God and us humans and because of who...

Reverend Sue
May 3, 20226 min read
Easter Four - Listening For His Voice
Images of shepherds and shepherd kings are deeply biblical and in some ways we know what it is about. But there is always more to hear...

Reverend Sue
Apr 26, 20225 min read
Easter Three - Conversion is a Process
This week we have two amazing stories: Paul’s conversion and Peter’s encounter with the risen Jesus and their conversation. (RCL Acts...

Reverend Sue
Apr 19, 20225 min read
Easter Two - The Wounds that Heal
When Jesus was resurrected his wounds did not disappear. Thomas was invited to place his hands in the wound in his side, the wounds in...

Reverend Sue
Apr 12, 20224 min read
Easter Day - A Resurrection People
Christ is risen, he is risen indeed, Hallelujah! “We are a resurrection people and Hallelujah is our song”. One of the things we do come...
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