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Reverend Sue
Apr 4, 20233 min read
Easter Dawn - New Beginnings
With the dawn of the risen sun we are invited into a time of new beginnings, of renewal, of the return of the light after even the...

Reverend Sue
Apr 4, 20234 min read
Good Friday - Love without End
As we gather at the foot at the cross and look upon our Lord Jesus Christ crucified we hear the story we know so well and yet that still...

Reverend Sue
Apr 3, 20232 min read
Maundy Thursday - A Reflection on Hands
Maundy Thursday night by tradition is when we wash each other’s feet in imitation of the love of Jesus for his disciples on their last...

Reverend Sue
Apr 2, 20234 min read
Holy Week - An Invitation to Surrender
And so Holy Week begins. The great unravelling and revelation, the upheaval and the restoration, death and resurrection. Although we know...

Reverend Sue
Mar 28, 20234 min read
Lent Six - Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week and the time we hear of our Lord’s passion for us and remember the last week of his human life:...

Reverend Sue
Mar 21, 20236 min read
Lent Five - A Foretaste of Restoration, Renewal and Resurrection
In the readings for Lent Five (John 11:1-45; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; and Romans 8:6-11.) we see and hear a foretaste of resurrection...

Reverend Sue
Mar 14, 20235 min read
Lent Four - To Be Seen and To See
This week the readings seem to invite us to explore how God sees us, how well or blindly we see, and how this process of being seen, of...

Reverend Sue
Mar 7, 20235 min read
Lent Three - Thirsting for Life
To be human is to be thirsty – for water, meaning, security, adventure, relationship, belonging – for life. The stories this week (Lent...

Reverend Sue
Feb 28, 20236 min read
Lent Two - Being Born Again
We tend to think of Lent as unmitigated suffering and heaviness but in this second week of the season of Lent we have this beautiful...

Reverend Sue
Feb 21, 20235 min read
Lent One - The Wilderness Experience
Lent is a season of certainties and mysteries. The great certainty of God’s unending love for us expressed in the passion of Jesus for us...

Reverend Sue
Feb 19, 20232 min read
Ash Wednesday - A Meditation on Dust
From dust you came and to dust you shall return. A mediation on dust. (Ash Wednesday. Matthew 6:1-21: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17; Psalm 51:1-17;...

Reverend Sue
Feb 14, 20235 min read
Transfiguration - Bringing the Light down the Mountain
When Peter saw Jesus transfigured into a being of light he wanted to build dwellings so that they could stay up the mountain....
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